Deneysville Aquatic Club

  • Address by J King.
    • There had been a certain amount of criticism for including a medium distance in the Nationals course card. It was explained that the chairman had done a fair amount of phone canvassing and managed to attract a number of new sailors to the fold. Many of these “newbies” were not that keen to race windward/leeward courses but were excited by the prospect of a medium distance race. Furthermore, the addition of a medium distance race was not unprecedented and used to form part of the nationals in the 80’s.
    • Whilst doing telephone canvassing it dawned on the chairman that there was a fair amount of general negativity amongst many Hunter sailors and that was probably a function of the state of the country. The chairman put it to the meeting that we need to, as a class, challenge that state of mind. He reminded everyone that we were members of clubs that were some of the most beautiful places in the country. Putting your Hunter in the water and going sailing not only challenges that state of mind but also an affordable option of activity.
    • The chairman put it to the meeting that the time had come for people to exhibit pride in their clubs again. Hence the request for members of the Hunter Association to adorn club jackets to the Hunter Gala Dinner as a sign of respect to not only their own club but the club hosting the Nationals.
  • Minutes from the AGM 2022 were adopted. Proposed P Van Rensburg Seconded J Rossouw.
  • Treasurers Update by J Rossouw EXACT DETAILS TO FOLLOW
    • The class association was in good financial condition.
    • Excess funds were and will continue to be kept in a money market.
  • Update on the database K Vennell.
    • The class association members should start using the database.
    • J Bruckmann questioned whether the database and website for the class should be one and the same. K Vennell pointed out that needed to be separate for security purposes
    • K Vennell pointed out that new features were imminent to make life easier for the class.
  • The allocation of the club to hold the next Nationals was brought forward on the agenda.
    • J King pointed out that although there was only 1 boat that attended the 2023 Nationals from HMYC, he thought that there were the beginnings of a revival of Hunter Sailing at HMYC and that it would be premature to skip HMYC as the next venue in the rotating cycle of Vaal Dam, WYAC and HMYC. J King argued that many a Hunter at HMYC had been lost to HBYC in the Cape but that under L Wagner (Committee member for HMYC/KZN 2022/23) had made a concerted effort to keep boats at HMYC and had successfully started to introduce new Hunter sailors at HMYC. J King pointed out that to walk away from HMYC now would be short sighted.
    • S Mathews (commodore WYAC) proposed that the meeting consider a number of venues and vote accordingly. He proposed that WYAC be the venue for the 2024 Nationals. He guaranteed 10 boats to participate from WYAC.
    • J King then proposed that LDYC also be considered as a venue for the 2024 Nationals as there were a number of boats at that club that didn’t participate at the Hunter Nationals
    • The meeting voted for HMYC to be the host club of the 2024 Nationals.
  • Election of committee
    • Chairman: J King proposed T Cockerill seconded H Carolius
    • Vice chair and W/Cape representative: R Patrick proposed P Van Rensburg. Seconded C Deverson.
    • KZN Representative: T Cockrill proposed J King seconded A Wiese.
    • Vaal Dam Representative: P Van Rensburg proposed H Carolius seconded A Wiese
    • WYAC Representative: C Hay proposed R Hay seconded S Mathews
    • PRO and Communications: K Vennell proposed T Hulleman seconded J Rossouw
    • Treasurer: J Rossouw proposed J King seconded P Van Rensburg
  • Class Subscription.
    • J Rossouw asked if the association should increase our subscription to R200 and void the R50 the class received from entries to the Nationals
    • K Vennell proposed this suggestion and B Klaas seconded it
  • General
    • P Van Rensburg asked that HMYC look into making Hunters available for charter at the 2024 Nationals
    • T Cockerill asked that sailing instructions have no sailing after 12h00 on the last day of the regatta.

The meeting was adjourned.

Witbank Aquatic & Yacht Club

20 March 2022

Welcome and Chairman’s report by James King

  • The Hunter phenomenon at HBYC in the W Cape had sparked the class into action

  • The class was looking to get its members committed to their boats and the condition of their boats so that we could see entries that start and finish all the races in class run events. i.e., Quality rather than quantity

  • Big thank you to the guys and girls that made the effort to attend the regatta from HBYC

  • The class needs to find ways to encourage the HBYC Hunter owners to join the class

  • A 50-boat fleet was on the horizon at HBYC

  • The class needs to prepare for the HBYC Hunter owners to take custody of the association

  • Can you imagine a 50-boat fleet at HBYC? A 60-70 boat National Championships then becomes a possibility

  • The Association must actively support the HBYC fleet

Adoption of previous minutes (Barry Ogalvie and Pierre Van Rensburg)

Treasures update and adoption of treasurer’s report (John Bruckmann and Graham Genloud)

Election of committee.

  • Chairman James King. (Jessica Rossouw and Andrew Edwards)

  • Vice Chairman James Ord (Barry Ogalvie and Andrew Wiese)

  • Jessica Rossouw Treasurer.

  • KZN representative Luke Wagner.

  • Vaal representative Pierre Van Rensburg.

  • Cape Representative James Ord

  • Witbank representative Craig Hay

  • PRO and Communications Kai Vennell

Hunter sailing HBYC

  • James King explained that the HB sailors don’t use number one foresails. Only blades and that James Ord would like the up-country boats to support a non-SAS sanctioned event sailing with blades at HB.

  • By a show of hands 9 up-country boats indicated a willingness to attend such an event

  • The meeting endorsed the organizing of such an event to the chair and vice chair

The Moulds

  • It was voted to keep the moulds under roof at HMYC

  • Luke Wagner is to retrieve the rudder moulds from Cape Town

  • Tony Cockerill presented an offer of R20000.00 on behalf of HMYC to the meeting for the container on condition the bits and pieces parts of the mould could be stored in the container. This was voted on and accepted by a vote of 24 Yay to sell and 6 Nay

  • Tony Cockerill said that building boats to expensive. We should rather concentrate on finding the over 300 boats built by Henry Vink

Class Measurers

  • Jessica Rossouw said that the class had spent R2000 on 5 new measurement stamps.

  • It was agreed that Theo Von would become a measurer in Cape Town and that James Ord would look to appoint another measurer. Possibly Richard Evans

  • Craig Hay will be the new Witbank measurer to replace Dave Martinson.

Nationals 2023 Date and Venue

  • DAC was unanimously voted as host club for the 2023 Nationals

  • James King raised concerns about wind conditions on the Highveld in March

  • 18-21 March 2023 was unanimously voted as the Nationals date


  • Kai Vennell presented his new database program to the meeting

  • James Ord and Barry Ogalvie raised concerns about compliance to the POPI act. Kai set these concerns to rest

  • James King pointed out that Kai has offered this system to the class free of charge.

  • The meeting unanimously agreed to adopt Kai’s program

Class Subscriptions

  • Jessica Rossouw pointed to the fact that the class in 2019 had adopted a resolution to charge R300 per member that the committee had changed that to R150 considering the COVID years.

  • The meeting unanimously agreed to keep the fees at R150 for the next year

  • It was agreed that boat owners and Skippers need to be members, but all interested Hunter people should pay their subs

The Communally owned Hunters (Club and SAS owned boats)

  • James King made the point that these types of ownership schemes do not work and encouraged clubs to find other ways of managing these boats


24 APRIL 2021

Welcome Chairman:

Election of committee:

  • James King Chairman.

  • Barry Ogalvie Vice Chairman.

  • Jessica Lenz Treasurer.

  • Tony Cockerill KZN representative.

  • Pierre Van Rensburg Vaal representative.

Payment of monies to the Mistal Class Association.

  • It was unanimously voted that the Hunter Class would reimburse monies that where incorrectly paid into our account by SAS to the Mistral Class Association

Nationals 2022.

  • Moved back to March 19-21 long weekend.

  • Nationals 2022 to be held at Witbank.

  • Barry Ogalvie announced that there would be a sponsor for Nationals 202

  • Pierre Van Rensburg questioned whether our dates would not be in conflict with SAS proposed Sailing Extravaganza planned for later in 2022. Tony Cockrill pointed out that many Hunter sailors also sail other classes and it would therefore impact our Nationals numbers. It was voted that we would have our Nationals in March and support the SAS endeavor with a provincials.


  • Tony Cockerill apologized for the poor attendance of HMYC Hunter sailors at the 2021 Nationals at HMYC

  • James King mentioned that at some point the Hunter Class would have to have a more formal alignment with the Hunter Class at HBYC.

  • Graham Genloud suggested that the committee looks into ways in which we could better align ourselves with the HBYC fleet.

  • Barry Ogalvie suggested that we make reciprocal boats available between up country events and HBYC events for commuters. Just bring your own sails.

  • Barry Ogalvie has offered the services (free of charge) of WYAC administration to assist Jessica in the sending out of Class Association subs every year. This was voted on and accepted. Chairman to laisse with Jessica.

  • Tony Cockerill asked James King to present SAS with our revised constitution. The new constitution allows Hunter sailors access to more formal colours awards presented by SAS.

Meeting adjourned

No minutes available due to no AGM, due to Pandemic

1a) Welcome :-

Chairman , James King welcomed everybody to the event, meeting and thanked all the travellers from KZN, Vaal, Cape, Australia who attended the meeting. Appreciation was conveyed to the host, WYAC, for the arrangements and putting all in place. In September 2018 a successful nationals was hosted at HMYC with 15 participants.

1a) Apologies: – Nil Received

1b) Present :-

Boat Club Helm Crew
Odins Eye HMYC Tony Cockerill Kevin
Guess Who WYAC John Brookman Dave Martinson
Essex Girl HMYC Paul Changuion Timothy Duguid
Donnatella WYAC Rory Hay Craig Hay
Assegaai DAC Jessica Rossouw Leon Rossouw
Copadph WYAC Mike Hayton Stefano Marcia
Sylphide WYAC Steve Matthews Devon Matthews
Eventide WYAC Pikkie Smit Zenobia Smit
Bounty WYAC Barry Ogilvie John Wegerle
KingShip RCYC James King Andrew Wiese
Rags Simons town Graham Genloud Richard Genloud
Haysons WYAC Colin Hay Alex Garoufalias
Blue Dubery WYAC Chris Petzold Dion Slabbert
Carpetbagger TSCQ John Latilla Brendon Latilla
SpottyMoto SPYC Andrew Edwards Pierre Van Rensburg
Countdown WYAC Corienne Erasmus Chloe Daines

2) Chairman’s Report : “ It is a Great Yacht” – James King

4) Proxies :- Nil Received

5a) Minutes:- AGM 28 April 2018

No Change :- Proposed :- Barry Ogilvie Seconded :- Tony Cockerill

5b) Financials – Jessica Lentz – Treasurer

. Feb 2019 Feb 2018 Feb 2017

Current Acc 13 917.37 13 268.38 55.69

Money Market Acc 29 921.62 21 531.72 30 581.16

Total 43 838.99 34 800.10 30 636.85

Midmar money for 2018 event has been paid

Witbank money will be paid – Barry awaiting final financial dockuments

John B thanked Barry O and WEWA for the sponsored meal at previous event

Barry O will discuss with Jessica to open bank account with lower bank charges.

Memership of R300 per Yacht / Owner voted and accepted.

5b) Financials – Continue

(Crew not required to pay but can pay associated membership )

Mast section Die required – sponspr to be found and price

No constitutional changes submitted

It was proposed and accepted to scrap the R50 per entry the class received for Nationals be scrapped as cost of event cannot be covered by entry fee.

Financial Proposed:- Dave Martinson Seconded :- John Brookman

6) Website

Paul will investigate portal changes to incorporate class pictures of active yachts activity being sailed for marketing purposes to grow the class.

Outstanding National event results to be posted on site

7) 2019 – 2020 Committee

Chairman :- James King Treasurer :- Jessica Lentz

Vice Chair :- Barry Ogilvie Secretary :- Pikkie Smit

Public Liaison:- All members, use W-upp , Face book, Portal Website

8) 2019 – 2020 Sub Committee

KZN :- Tony Cockerill Mpumalanga :- Dave Martinson

Vaal :- Pierre Van Rensburg Cape:- Paull Todds

9) 2019 – 2020 Technical Committee

Secretary :- Tony Cockerill

Members :- Dave Martinson, John B , Luke Wagner, Paul Changuion

  1. a)If the rule does not SAY you can , then you may NOT
  2. b)Adjustable Cars – Scrapped
  3. c)Yachts to be weighed with Rudder

Measurers:- Frank Lentz, Dave Martinson, Collin Hay, Tony Cockerill

  1. d)New stamps and pads (6) to be ordered – Jessica Lentz

10) Next Nationals

Vote to keep rotation between clubs/locations accepted,

Next Nationals to be (Friday to Sunday) 21, 22, 23, March 20120 @ Vaal dam,

2020 Hosting Yacht Club, at Vaal, to be negotiated by Jessica and James. Successful hosting club to be announced on Hunter Nationals Watts-Upp group.


Chairman, James King, thanked everybody for attending and for a positive attitude at the meeting and to keep sailing.

Hunter Class AGM held on 27th April 2018


  • Apologies
  • Proposed we adopt the 2017 AGM minutes into the register.



  • Chairman’s report
  • ?


  • The financials by Jessica Lentz (Class Treasurer)

Propose that we adopt the 2015 financials into the register.



  • Thanks to Paul Changuion for his maintenance of the website and Facebook site.
  • Technical committee report By Tony Cockerill

Election of committee

Class Chairman :

Vice Chairman         :

Hon. Secretary        : Charles Humphreys

Treasurer                  : Jessica Lentz

Public Liaison           :


Seconder :

Election of Subcommittee/ Regional Representatives.

KZN Rep :

Mpumalanga Rep   :

Vaal Rep                    :

Cape Rep                  :


Election of Technical Committee

Chairman :

Secretary      :

Member 2    :

Member 3    :

Member 4    :

Member 5    :

Items on the Agenda

  • Class colours
  • Next nationals
  • Weight position

Minutes of AGM held at HMYC, Saturday 28 April 2018

Chairman, CJ Milln opened the meeting.

Apologies were received from Jessica Lenz and Pikkie Smit

The acceptance of the last meetings minutes were proposed by Thomas Funke and seconded by Tony Cockerill

No proxies from absent members were brought forward.

CJ Milln gave his chairman’s report.

Class Financials were read, and acceptance of the financials proposed by Dave and Seconded by John

Bank account balance disclosed by CJ via text from Jessica.

The final accounts still to be reconciled by Jessica.

A Note was made to check and follow up on the receipt of Witbank subs. (there is a note in the financials about no funds received)

Tony gave feedback from the Technical committee.

He outlined the changes and updates to the rules.

Election of committee:

CL Milln advised that he was stepping down as Chairman.

Jessica was proposed for treasurer and voted in unanimously

Charles was proposed as Class Secretary and was voted in unanimously

Barry Ogilvie was proposed as Vice chairman and was voted in unanimously


James King proposed by Paul as Class Chairman.

James accepted and was voted in unanimously

Election of subcommittee:


Tony Cockerill was proposed and was voted in unanimously


Dave(?)(?) was proposed and was voted in unanimously


Incoming committee to confirm this appointment.


Paul Tommes (?) was proposed but is yet to be confirmed.

Technical committee election

There was 1 change to the Technical committee. Charles Gerard was remove and Mike(?) was voted in by the members.

Other Items on the agenda:

Class colours:

The awarding of our own class colours was proposed and was discussed by the members.

A Points system for Hunter run regattas was put forward and 3 events per year was recommended.

The Committee can nominate additional events.

A Grandfather clause for past results was proposed and was voted in unanimously

C-J To set up and document the requirements and the processes.

Next Nationals to be held at:


A Date is to be decided between Hunter Class committee and Witbank Committee.

Weight Position

Positioning of the ballast weights was discussed.

CJ suggested that the rule be changed and amended to allow ballast weight to be positioned on top of the keel.

This was discussed between the members and it was decided that the technical committee would investigate the proposal and give feedback to the Hunter Class committee for a decision.


Craig Millar noted that the Hunter class charges for membership but only boat owners can vote on matters.

It was decided that this would be discussed by the new incoming committee.

CJ Closed the meeting

No minutes available

No minutes available

No minutes available

Hunter Class AGM Minutes held on 19th March

1) Thanks to Paul Changuion for his maintenance of the website and
Facebook site.
Election of committee
2) Class Chairman : C-J Milln
Vice Chairman : Dean Weregle
Hon. Secretary : Lisa Schaefer
Treasurer : Jessica Lentz
Election of Subcommittee/ Regional Representatives.
a. KZN Rep : Tony Cockerill
Mpumalanga Rep : Dave Martinson
Vaal Rep : Pierre van Rensburg
Cape Rep : James King
Items on the Agenda
3) The Hunter class load cell is reportedly damaged beyond repair. The
committee is to look into the best way to ensure a scale for the nationals
whether it be hiring or buying one.
It seems that hiring a load cell or borrowing is going to be the most cost
10) The class treasurer has asked if the class banking can be upgraded to
internet banking. This was approved at the 2015 AGM. Where are we with
This has been done
11) Can we create a position for a public liaison to be re-elected every year.
This position is in aid of building numbers and creating public awareness.
Duties would include:
a)updating Facebook
b) Getting articles into magazines
c) Promoting The hunter class and it’s event in any positive way possible.
Position created and James King appointed to fill this position
12) Can we amend rule 16 to exclude weighing with the rudder, tiller and
tiller extension on board.
This was not passed we are to weigh with the rudder
13) It is proposed that we allocate a percentage of the Hunter class funds to
be put into a 32 day account.
We already put money into a money market account
14) A template / jig has been designed to combat the accurate measuring of
the aft perpendicular. This measurement is the basis for mast position, keel
position, shroud position ect. It is proposed that we adopt this jig as an
official measuring tool and have three engineered with the official drawings
becoming part of the class rules as well as the template itself. These three
units can then be placed one at each Hunter strong hold for ease of access.
Should a sailor want his own the drawings will become be available for him,
however the each jig will have to be approved by a class measurer.
This jig is approved and more will need to be made. The rules will have to
be adjusted to allow for an extra 30 mm required by the jig
15) Keel rules investigation team. Could we select two people from each
province to familiarize themselves with the keel rule? They will then
measure keels at their respective clubs and discuss a way forward to make
as many current keels as possible legal without opening the door to allow
people to modify their keels. This would be an investigation team who
would report back at the following AGM as to their findings. The class will
then vote on the way forward.
It was decided to leave this for once e technical committee was back in
16) Establish Class subs for the 2017 period
R150.00 for an ordinary member and boat owner.
R 50.00 for an Associate member (crew and/or persons wanting to be
part of the association but not a boat owner
R50.00 for a junior member
150 for senior members
120 for junior members
120 for associate mebers
17) Venue for the 2017 Nationals
Proposed is D.A.C. Vaal dam

No minutes available


P. Changuion (PCC) – Chairman
L. Wagner
J. Bruckmann (JB)
T. Cockerill (TC)
D. Martinson (DM)
B. Ogilvie (BO)
T. Duguid
A. McMillan
R. Harvey
K. Harvey
J. Riley
1. Welcome
P. Changuion (PCC) welcomed everyone to the 2012 Hunter Class Association and
thanked HMYC for hosting.
2. Apologies
Nigel Miln, Chris Frost & J. Lenz (Treasurer)
3. Minutes of the previous meeting – 20th March 2011
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by B. Ogilvie and seconded by
J. Bruckmann.
4. Matters arising from the previous meeting – 20th March 2011
There were no matters arising.
5. Chairman’s Report
• PCC said he had come to the end of his three-year tenure as chairman. J.
Bruckmann was unanimously voted in as the new chairman.
• It was a disappointing year in terms of the class for indeterminate reasons.
• The number of boats at this year’s Nationals was disappointing. The main
reason was the public holiday falling mid-week, resulting in sailors having to
take leave in order to sail.
• The class has a good reputation but technical issues are arising from non-water
tight rules. These issues to be discussed later in the meeting.
• The website is up-to-date and accurate but PCC needs more input from
members via Facebook or email for the blog. The class has 88 fans on
Facebook. This facility can be used to advertise the Hunter Class on other
6. Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of the treasurer, J. Lenz (JL), PCC handled this report.
• He thanked DAC for giving all the proceeds of last year’s Nationals (R15, 000) to
the Hunter Class. Both PCC and JL donate their services for the website and
bookkeeping gratis. For these reasons, the account balance is currently R47,
• Regarding membership fees, it was agreed that one of J. Bruckmann’s staff
would invoice all class members (for a small fee) and each club representative
would personally remind their club members about subscriptions.
• PCC thanked B. Ogilvie, Schneider Electric’s representative, for their continued
sponsorship of the Hunter Nationals. It was suggested that simple, appreciative
emails to the company would go a long way.
7. Technical Report
• The mast situation was discussed at length. It was agreed that the most
economic and viable option is needed. T. Cockerill proposed that J. Bruckmann
do some research and report to the Technical Committee. This was seconded
by B. Ogilvie.
• ? Using the Squib masts?
• The rules are open to interpretation; grey areas in particular need to clarified,
tightened up and finalised after this regatta. They can then be written into the
rules and added to the website.
• It was agreed that the Technical Committee use the following criteria when
making decisions:
o Is it safe
o Does it cost money
o Does it make the boat go faster?
• The Technical Committee must act in the best interests of the class and then
give guidance to those who sail in the middle of the regatta.
• Individuals with an issue should approach the Technical Committee. The latter
will then make a decision and a reason why.
Rule 20
• PCC proposed that the Technical Committee has the power to write the rules,
which must then be abided by. 3/5 is the casting vote.
• B. Ogilvie proposed that the Technical Committee has the power to stop a boat
from sailing the evening before a regatta.
• J. Riley explained that in Britain they check five ? ? Every year and warn the
owners that their boats are going to be checked before the regatta.
8. Election of Office Bearers
i. Chairman – proposed and seconded – Mr J Bruckmann
ii. Treasurer – accepted unopposed – Ms J Lenz
iii. Secretary – J. Bruckmann to find a secretary who will be paid a small,
annual stipend.
a. Class Measurers D. Martinson
b. H. Pike
c. C. Hay
d. M. Sergison
e. T. Duguid
f. R. Harvey proposed
g. K. Harvey proposed
It was agreed that measurers do the measuring at their home regattas.
iv. Technical Committee
a. J. Bruckmann
b. T. Cockerill
c. D. Martinson
d. P. Changuion
e. L. Wagner
9. Nationals 2013
It was agreed that next year’s Nationals would be held at Witbank Yacht Club from
21.03.13 – 24.03.13. The first race would start no earlier than 2 pm on the
Thursday and the last race would finish by 11 am on the Sunday.
PCC thanked Jenny Riley, Chairwoman of the British Squib Class, for her
attendance at the meeting and for making the trip over to South Africa for the
regatta. Mrs Riley spoke warmly of her experience in South Africa and looked
forward to the reciprocal visit of
P. Changuion and T. Duguid to England in July, where they would be participating
in the Squib Nationals. It was hoped that this reciprocation would continue going
forward, with the national champions or medal winners making the trip every year.

28th March 2006, 18:00 pm, Henley Midmar Yacht Club

Committee Members: Colin Hay, Jessica Lenz, Tony Cockerill, Mike Dann

Apologies: Rob Barker, Dave Claxton, Frank Lenz

The outgoing chairman opened meeting at 18H10 where the minutes of last meeting were accepted – Herbie Karolius proposed and Tony Cockerill seconded.

Charman’s Report (Colin Hay):
The chairman reported that the class has been healthy with several boats changing hands. The bridge selection problems forced on us by SAS had been handled by Jessica. Chris Frost was last years champion.

There were only four boats at the Northvaal and although there wasn’t a good turnout there were reasonable winds. The event clashed for those training for Lipton Cup and the sailing of the Mauritius race. The Mpumalanga Champs also didn’t have a great turnout but there were reasonable winds.

Sadly, last year a Hunter sailor, Kurt Ostendorf went down with the Moqueni, he was a measurer in KZN. The class sent flowers to the family. Alan Maddon kindly donated a picture which was raffled at the 2006 Nationals to raise money for the Moqueni Trust.

Support for the 2006 Hunter Nationals has been fantastic – 34 entries. The Hunter Class has had more than 30 boats at the nationals for more than seven years. The class is healthy and seems to be growing.

Treasurer’s Report (Jessica Lenz):
The treasurer mentioned that despite initial financial difficulties due to the cost of the masts, the accounts were looking healthier.

The raffle of the outboard engine donated by Lester Johnstone and Dicky Manten raised R3,000 for the class. The Schneider sponsorship brought in R7,000 in it’s first year, R4,000 last year and again R7,000 this year.

On completing the nationals last year VCA charged the class R200 for petrol and R4,900 for the Class dinner and drinks for the mark-layers. We got back to a bank balance of R12,000.

SAS no longer requires the 5% levy on sponsorship and the class invested R4,500 on a digital scale for weighing boats. This has left R7,600 in the bank. Midmar charged R150 per boat.

The Hunter accounts were no longer being run by SAS so members were asked to please pay their class fees at the beginning of each year, directly into the class bank account and then let the treasurer (Jessica Lenz) know.

The treasurer suggested that we start looking at budgeting for the next Nationals and try to build up some cash reserve.

Schneider could increase sponsorship and may get involved in branding of the Hunter Class clothing. Barry Ogilvie said that the Schneider sponsorship should be used on the class members and should not be used to enrich any club or used to build the class reserves. Its intention was to provide for a great Nationals. This was discussed further and the cost of the event at Midmar had exceeded the sponsorship.

Paul Changuion agreed to takeover the running of the website at the same cost as was being paid to Dave Claxton. He planned to change the domain hosting and asked that the current website “electronic signatories” need to give their permission for this to be done. Paul felt the e-mail list of all class members was very important – Mike Dann to forward all the information to Paul.

Election of Office Bearers:
Tony Cockerill was elected chairman, Colin Hay was unable to continue serving as chairman – thanks to Colin.
Jessica Lenz agreed to continue as treasurer – thanks Jessica.
Terry Pratt elected as secretary – Mike Dann no longer able to be secretary.

Simon Farrington, Frank Lenz and Andrew Edwards to be measurers at the Vaal Dam.
Dave Martinson and Colin Hay to be measurers at Witbank.
Rob Barker and Mark Stockhausen to be measurers at Midmar.

Nationals 2007:
Next nationals will be held at Witbank Yacht Club. Saturday 24th March for travelling and boat measurement. Sailing Sunday 25th to Tuesday 20th March. Packing away and travelling home Wednesday 21st March (Human Right’s Day).

Class rules need to be updated to take into account the change in size of sail numbers as well as the requirement for the sail number to appear on both sides of the spinnaker.

A proposal was made to change the Genoa material to Pentex to make the sail cheaper. Simon Farrington was against as he said Pentex not suitable for an overlapping sail and would not be cost effective. Chris Frost suggested exotic materials were lower cost over a longer time but proposed remaining as is. Barry Ogilvie also suggested status quo.

All boats to be measured before the next nationals and a proposal was accepted to create a register of boats weights and with the corrector weights. This to be started and updated for all boats at the next Nationals. Dave Martinson proposed that boats be reweighed every three years.

The new scale would be in the custody of the class chairman.

Class Clothing/Regalia:
General discussion where it was agreed that we could have golf shorts, fleecy tops and caps, ideally well before the next Nationals. Niel Ellingson offered to look into costs of clothing.

Brandon Smith and Jessica Lenz proposed that the number of races at the Nationals be increased to 12 or more. On a vote it was 9 votes for 12 races and 9 votes for 10 races. On the chairmans deciding vote the number of races was kept at 10.

A request was made that future Nationals hosts make sure that there are more than enough moorings.

A suggestion was made to stop conforming with the SAS approved race officer requirement. After some discussion it was agreed that the Hunter Class would abide by the SAS requirement. It was also suggested that perhaps two mark laying boats should be used in the future although it was pointed out that this should be the Race Officer’s decision.

Herbie Karolius had lots of good works and encouragement for the juniors sailing in the fleet and donated a junior trophy to be awarded at the next Nationals.

The chairman closed the meeting with thanks to all.

Witbank Yacht Club on 24th March 2007

Tony Cockerill the Class Chairperson welcomed everyone

Apologies were received from
The Emmett Family
John Latilla
John Bruckman

The approval of the previous minutes was proposed by Jessica Lenz and seconded by Terrie Pratt

Tony Cockerill as Chairperson stated that this is the 9th year in a row that there has been more than 30 boats participating in the Hunter Nationals.
A big drive to get 50 boats at the 2008 Hunter Nationals will be undertaken.
2008 is the 40th anniversary of the Hunter coming into South Africa
The KZN Provincials were held during the MSC Regatta. Only 3 Hunters entered. It is believed that the provincials being offshore is a problem due to the age of the boats
The Mpumulanga Champs had 18 entries with Chris Emery as the Bridge Officer.
Mpumulanga has seen a renewed interest in the Hunter Class with the purchase of boats by members. 6 to 8 Boats are regulars at the Club events. Mpumulanga are expected to have at least 10 boats at the Vaal for the 2008 Nationals
The Hunter website has been well looked after by Paul Changuion. Any applicants wishing to enter the discussion forum, should first be vetted by Paul.
Information relating to different events should be submitted by the various areas as follows
KZN – Hank Pike
MP – Lionel Clarke
Vaal – Andrew Edwards
TYC – Andrew Ballard

Tony Cockerill sponsored a “Chairmans Trophy” designed from an 1860 Clipper Block, for anyone within the Hunter Association who had gone the extra mile to promote the Hunter Class. The first recipient of the Trophy is Simon Farrington for all the effort in getting boats from other areas to Witbank for the Nationals and for the slipping of boats.
It was noted that the next Hunter Nationals would be sailed out of Lake Deneys Yacht Club. The regatta will fall over the Easter weekend. The Easter Regatta normally sailed out of LDYC was not deemed to be an issue. The regatta will be sailed from Friday 21st March to Monday 24th March 2008.

Jessica Lenz stated that in February 2007, the Hunter Association had R13000,00 in the bank account. This increased to R16000.00 after the Mpumulanga Champs
Purchases in the past year include the Class Scale, medals and the web site.

At the last AGM there were 7 masts left. The last count revealed only 5 i.e. 2 are missing. No one has come up with a logical explanation to the disappearance of the two masts.
Hullett Aluminium are prepared to cast new dies however a minimum weight of 250kg per annum is required to make it feasible. If the dies are not used frequently they become useless.
All the information is with Dave Claxton. Tony Cockerill will collect the balance of the masts from Dave. Any report back will be via the web site.

Schneider sponsored R2000.00 towards the T Shirts for the 2007 Hunter Nationals and Quantum sponsored R750.00. A big thank you was extended to the sponsors.

The Hunter subscriptions will be kept at R60.00 per annum. Skipper and crew have to be members of the Association
Should the Association decide on a project, the annual subscription will be reviewed.

Much debate took place regarding what the host clubs should contribute back to the Hunter Association.
The decision taken is that the host club will pay to the Hunter Association R50.00 for every boat entered.
The late entry fee remains with the Hunter Association.


This was discussed under point 5.1 of the Financial Report

The Rules allow for a tolerance in measurement of 75mm
Quantum are manufacturing sails as close to the maximum size as possible resulting in a 0.6m2 bigger sail than those manufactured by North Sails
It was felt by some competitors that although the sails measured at time of purchase, after a few regattas, the sails would be oversized as a result of stretch.

A vote to either leave the measurement rule as is or to change the tolerance factor was taken. The majority vote was to leave the Rules as is.

6.3 RULES.
The Technical committee will review all the rules and go through the points of the letter from North Sails regarding the sail sizes and propose changes.
The sail makers competiveness was appreciated.
All changes of any of the Rules must be in the interest of “fair sailing”
The Rules were altered in 1998 and again in 2004.
Technical Committee must be given a mandate regarding changes to the Rules.

The following Office Bearers were elected

Chairperson – Tony Cockerill
Treasurer – Jessica Lenz
Secretary – Terrie Pratt

The Technical Committee was appointed as follows
Class Measurers
Dave Martinsen – Witbank
Andrew Edwards – Vaal
Simon Farrington – Vaal
Mike Serguson – Natal
Hank Pike – Natal
Colin Hay – Witbank
Mark Stockhauzen – Natal
Frank Lenz – Vaal

Technical Committee
John Bruckman
Simon Farrington
Dave Martinsen
Tony Cockerill
Frank Lenz

The meeting was closed at 16H20

No minutes of meeting available

Midmar yacht club on 20th March 2009

Chairman : D A Schön
Secretary : K I Vennell
Treasurer : J Lenz

1) Welcome
a. The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everybody and thanking
HMYC for allowing the hunter class to hold the AGM at their club house.

2) Apologises
a. Apologises were received from Friz Van Kempor

3) Minutes
a. Minutes of the previous AGM which were posted on the notice board were
taken as read. The acceptance of the minutes was proposed by Jessica Lenz
and seconded by Barry Hundley

4) Chairman’s report
a. The Chairman gave a brief review of the years activities.

5) Treasurers Report
a. The treasurer report that at present the association and approximately
R22 000 in the bank.
b. Some sponsorship money had been received but that money goes direct
towards the club hosting the Nationals and does not come thought the hands
of the treasurer.
c. All members are requested to pay their fees direct to the class association
not to SA Sailing.
d. The monies paid out for the hoisting and maintenance of the website was
approved. The fees for the coming year remain the same.
e. Class association subs were unaltered.

6) Technical Committee Report
a. Sail window sizes
i. A discussion centred around the need to have increase window sizes
was held. The primary objective of the change was to improve safety
by increasing visibility. It was approved that the class rules be
amended to allow
1. An option of a window 0.9 to 1 square meter in the lower
third of the Genoa. Final size to be determined by
measurement and the technical committee.
2. An Option of a 0.5m2 window on the main sail
3. An option of a spreader viewing window
4. No part of the window should be closer than 100mm from any
edge of the sail
b. Hiking
i. The conclusion on the discussion around hiking was that the present
rules were fine. Hiking is allowed but no devices be allowed to hold
the body outside the boat.
c. Moulds
i. The Situation regarding the ownership of the one and only existing set
of hull and deck mould was discussed. In a heated and lengthy
discussion regarding the ownership and rights of the parties, namely
Chris Frost and Rob Samways,that claimed ownership of the moulds, a
number of options and suggestions were tabled.
ii. The conclusion of the meeting was that the parties involved would
need to meet to settle the present impasse as both parties had the
best interest of the class association at heart.
d. New Boats
i. A lot of discussion was held regarding the building of new boats,
possible changes to the existing deck moulds and lay up options. The
principle or consensus of the floor was that whilst it was imperative
that new boats are built, the danger of making a large part of the fleet
uncompetitive through a radical changes must not be allowed to
ii. In light the of the questions and changing circumstances around this
issue it was agreed that the meeting would not be in a position to
decide or vote on issues that clearly need allot of further homework
and consultation.
e. Powers of the Technical committee.
i. It was voted and agreed upon by all that the Technical committee
would have the power to make changes to the class without approval
at the Annual general meeting.
ii. The technical committee would consist of 5 members of good
standing. The member to have the requisite experience in rules and
technical matters.
iii. Any changes to the class rules had to be passed by a simple majority
of the 5 members of the committee.
iv. Class rules changes would be effective when published by the
v. All changes would be published on the website and circulated as wide
as possible.
vi. The technical committee also had the power to approve class
recognised boat build builders.

7) Election of Office Bearers
a. The meeting voted the following members to the following offices :‐
i. Chairman : Paul Changuin
ii. Treasurer: Jessica Lenz
iii. Secretary : Sandy Ostendorf
iv. Class Measures:
1. Andrew Edwards
2. Dave Martinson
3. Frank lenz
4. Hank Pike
5. Colin Hay ( Measurement stamp requested by Colin)
v. Technical Committee
1. Tony Cockerill
2. Dave Martinson
3. Paul Changuin
4. Robin Mcintosh
5. Andrew Edwards

8) Nationals 2010
a. In keeping with the tradition of rotating the national venue the 2010 Hunter
Class nations was awarded to Witbank yacht club

9) General
a. Mast Blanks
i. Tony Cockerill has one mast blank left
b. Tacktic and velocitek (GPS based electronic )instruments.
i. Present rules do not preclude such instruments and it was the
consensus of the meeting that they are allowed within the present class

10) There being no further business the meeting was closed by the chairman at 7.23pm
who thanked everybody for their constructive input to the meeting.
Signed by
D A Schön K I Vennell
Class Chairman Class Secretary

Witbank Yacht Club on Sunday, 21st March 2010

P Changuion (Chairman) J Lenz (Treasurer)
R Samways J Quinn
P Metcalfe B Ogilvie
L Wagner C Hay
N Ellingson P Smit
J Bruckmann H Pike
K Kirkman M Patrick
T Duguid A Arbuckle
M Orren T Cockerill
B van Dam T Hulleman
A Daly K Vennell
H Karolius S Nel
K Harvey R Harvey
N Abendeth K Lovell
D Martinson S Samways (Secretary)

1. Welcome
Mr Changuion welcomed everyone to the 2010 Hunter Class Association and thanked Witbank Yacht Club for hosting.

2. Apologies
A Schon and C Frost

3. Minutes of the previous meeting – 20 March 2009
The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by H Karolius and seconded by A Daly.

4. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting – 20 March 2009
There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.

5. Chairman’s Report
Mr Changuion said that the class had continued to see an increase in club racing at HMYC, but could not confirm that this was happening at a national level. He said that plans were afoot to put the new SB 19 boats on the water, which would be both competitive and affordable. Allowing the technical committee to make decisions without bringing everything to an AGM had assisted in dealing with technical aspects. Jessica Lenz reported that there had been a good turnout of boats for the Grand slams, but due to the lack of wind this turned into a non-event.

6. Treasurer’s Report
J Lenz reported on the following:
Presently there is R23538.14 in the bank account, although this does not include the money due for the Mpumalanga Champs which should take the balance closer to R27 000.
R1000 is due to R Cook, but Jessica has been unable to contact him.
It was proposed, seconded and accepted that the class membership be increased to R120 and that invoices will be sent out when fees are due. This would come into effect immediately. It was agreed that the youth fees will remain at R60. The financial year and subs would be due on 1st March every year.
It was proposed, seconded and accepted that R50 of all entry fees would be given to the Class Association. During the regattas, the host club would decide and be responsible for all entertainment.
The website charge would remain unchanged.

7. Technical Report
The following was reported, discussed and accepted by the meeting:
Full Length Batten – The maximum length of 920mm would be allowed with the pocket remaining where it was.
Keel Templates – There would be a template for the new boats and existing owners would be able to have new keels fitted according to these templates.
Sails – It was agreed that sails shall be of woven material or a polyester type sail cloth commercially available to all sail lofts. No membrane or string laminates are allowed.
Rudder Templates – Templates to be made up and if affordable one for each region should be made.
Masts – The class was running out of masts and all new masts would have to come from a Class Association approved dye. Present masts would still be accepted as long as they complied with the class association rules and not masts could be imported privately. KV suggested that like the keel and rudders, the masts should only be available through the approved boat builder and class association.

8.1 Chairman – Accepted unopposed – Mr P Changunion
8.2 Treasurer – Accepted unopposed – Ms J Lenz
8.3 Secretary – Accepted unopposed – Mrs S Samways
8.4 Class Measurers – Andrew Edwards
Dave Martinson
Frank Lenz
Hank Pike
Colin Hay
All Class Measurers were accepted.
8.5 Technical Committee – The following were proposed and accepted.
J Bruckmann
T Cockerill
D Martinson
P Changunion
L Wagner

Two proposals were presented for the holding of the Nationals in 2011 and it was accepted that the 2011 Nationals would be held at DAC, which Mr Hulleman said would be at no cost to the Class Association. This event would take place during the weekend of 19th – 21st March 2011.

No items for discussion
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.30pm and the chairman thanked everyone for their attendance.
Signed by:
Mr P Changuion Mrs S Samways
Class Chairman Class

Witbank Yacht Club on Sunday, 20st March 2011

P Changuion (Chairman)

  J Lenz (Treasurer)
P Metcalfe

B  Ogilvie
L Wagner

C Hay
J Bruckmann

H Pike
K Kirkman

  T Duguid
T Cockerill

T Hulleman
K Vennell

  H Karolius
D Martinson

  S Mathew
R Soloman

Mary Soloman
A Ellens

R McEntosh
Mark Hultzon

  James King
H Karolsut

J Lenz
J Busschan

Nigel Milln
G Genlloud

1. Welcome

Mr Changuion welcomed everyone to the 2010 Hunter Class Association and thanked DAC  for hosting.

2. Apologies

R Samways & R Hill

3. Minutes of the previous meeting – 20 March 2009

The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by L Wagner and seconded by H Karolsus.

4. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting- 20 March 2009

There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.

5. Chairman’s Report

Mr Changuion said that the class had continued to see a steady turnout out HMYC.  Vaal boats were encouraged to travel to other events. The nominated technical committee are doing a great job.   Sail development has been positive and will create longer lasting sails.  Paul proposed that the job as chairman should last 3 years and that a new candidate should be appointed next year.

6. Treasurer’s Report

 J Lenz reported on the following:

Presently there is R27,000 in the bank account, although this does not include the money due for the Mpumalanga Champs which should take the balance closer to R35,000. She said she will try send invoices out as reminders to members.

Were some proposals to change the timing of membership payments. Put to vote but members elected to leave the situation as is.

7. Technical Report

It was preposed that the appointed new builder for the following year would be Andreas from KZN, and he will try and secure two new orders for the next year to sustain the venture. Cost of new hull, deck with keel is approximately R45,000. Masts remain a problem and the technical committee will be responsible for appointing a new section.  The technical committee will also be responsible for new keel restriction measurements and will leave the rudder measurements diagram as it currently stands.


8.1  Chairman – Accepted unopposed – Mr P Changunion
8.2  Treasurer – Accepted unopposed – Ms J Lenz
8.3  Secretary – Accepted unopposed – Mrs M Soloman
8.4  Class Measurers – Andrew Edwards
Dave Martinson
Frank Lenz
Hank Pike
Colin Hay
M Sergison
T Guguid
All Class Measurers were accepted.

8.5  Technical Committee – The following were proposed and accepted.
J Bruckmann
T Cockerill
D Martinson
P Changunion
L Wagner


Two proposals were presented for the holding of the Nationals in 2012 and it was accepted that the  2012 Nationals would be held at HMYC during a similar time as this years event.


Paul Changuion mentioned that there will be a skipper exchange program between the Hunter Class SA and the Squib class in the UK.  The first guests will be from the UK at next years nationals to be held at HMYC.  This will be reciprocated by sailors from SA to the UK next year from the Squib National championships.

It was suggested that use Mpumalanga’s as event to gain points as numbers so small at Vaal for a points event. It was also suggested that some Vaalboats live at Witbank so that the fleet can be developed there. The Witbank championships is to be requested by Paul Changuion as the provincial points regatta for the north region.

Mike Hayton is committed to having the Hunter scale repaired.

Masts situation is unresolved at this stage and the technical committee will find a way forward.

Signed by:

Mr P Changuion                                                                                Mrs M Soloman
Class Chairman                                                                                  Class Secretary